Tallahassee has things in common with Seattle:
- It rains a lot
It has abundant coffee shops with excellent espressoIt has plenty of places with free wi-fi to plug in your laptopIf you’re in your 20s, you should spend most of your time near Capitol Hill- There are lots of places to get a drink
It has a well known tourist attraction like the Space NeedleHipster thrift storesDecent public transportation with light rail to and from the airport*Places for great brunchPeople do not carry umbrellasYou’ll endure less judgment if you’re from New York (City, even) than California- It is often difficult to get a job,
butit’s possible to have a semi-respectable job and blue hair at the same time. You can bring your dog on the bus, although you have to pay a full adult fare If s/he is a large dog- it’s far better to be politically correct than sorry
drivers are polite to the point of being annoying- Stop signs and lights are not suggestions, they're the law
- 2 topics of conversation that are always acceptable: Making fun of people who can't handle the weather and looking down on the city/county/state for not being able to put together any sort of transit plan
Spring is in FebruaryAwesome vistasHost to Hempfest, the world's largest pot rally
*What? Tallahassee doesn't even have a bus that goes to and from the airport and downtown?